
Tool for Splitting Slides in a LaTeX Beamer Presentation

Slides in LaTeX beamer presentation may get too large. Splitting them is tedious. I developed a tool that does this automatically, you only have to set the cursor at the position where you want to split the slide. The tool is available both as a Sublime Text 3 plugin and as a standalone GUI application. [More]

Markowitz’ Critical Line Algorithm for Matlab and Python

A Matlab toolbox written in Fortran for a fast computation of the constrained efficient frontier for asset portfolio choice. A Python interface is available as well. I also provide a reference implementation in Julia. [More]


Simple Billing Tool

This is a tool to create billing for contractual work from MS Outlook data written in Python. The software looks for appointments with a specified title between two dates. Then it outputs when and how long you worked on the project in a MS Excel sheet. [More]

Master Mind Solver

This is a Java Applet I submitted to a high school project contest in 1997. It plays the Master Mind game against a human player and guesses the combination the other player thought of with the minimal number of guesses. [More]